Comment 8 for bug 489977

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ceg (ceg) wrote : Re: Inaccessible directory has same emblem as read-only directory

Hm, do your user2's directories have the same permissions as mine?

Or are your directories of user2 "group writeable"? It would be OK for them not to have a lock emblem then, if you are browsing as user1 and member in the user2 group.

Further details on the issue I observe:

* The theme used in ubuntu is just called "Human" not "humanity".

* In the *symbol view*, I see the Desktop/ with lock emblem in the upper right corner (correct with the above mentioned perms) *and* private/ with the lock-emblem (not correct). The private/ directory has a X emblem in the lower right corner (correct).

* In the *list view*, the X-emblem for private/ is not shown (but wrongly a lock emblem). Maybe the wrongly set lock symbol is overlaying the x emblem in the list view?