Comment 0 for bug 485684

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Torkil Olesen (torkilo-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

There MUST be a serious bug in the setup for floppy drives in ubuntu.

I don't have much experience with linux or unix, but I have a lot of experience with DOS and floppy drives from PET in 1979, Apple II, AMIGA, and different PC's with DOS and Windows versions.

During 30 years I have NEVER got problems with floppy drives as in linux. The problems were there 10 years ago, when I tried Open Linux, and they exists in ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10.

I can see from questions, that many people have had problems, and I have tried some of the proposals given in the answers. They did not work on my system, but I have found a solution, which works for me in ubuntu in an upgraded version 9.10: The command in terminal:

mount /media/floppy0

works, and I get an icon Floppy0 on the desktop.

Although it works, the disk utility (Palimpsets) tells unknown size and no media in floppy disk drive at /dev/fd0 : It seems to check the drive; the light shows up, but nothing happens ??

In an old machine I have an Imation 120 MB drive, and this one is recognised at once by ubuntu 9.04 and works, but not so good as in Windows.

At a new PC with upgraded ubuntu 9.10 I can use a usb disk drive - also without problems, but at both machines the build-in floppy drives gives problems. I have dual boot, and all drives works well in Windows.

I don't ask for workarounds. In all the systems I have known, the floppy disk drive works at the ever first setup!

So the conclusion must be, that there is a serious bug in ubuntu, and I just do not understand, why it has not been solved long ago.