Comment 0 for bug 483070

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mati (mati-wroc) wrote :

1. Boot the system from livecd.
2. Open some files and programs (I used gparted to move make a place for the system).
3. Watch the system freezes completely after some time (~half an hour). Keyboard and mouse don't work, even the Ctrl-Alt-Del and Alt-SysRq magic.

The issue is related to the cd/dvd drive (LG GSA-4167B), happens always when/immediately after the disc was spinning. The drive is perfectly healthy, works ok under two versions of Windows and worked ok under previous versions of Ubuntu (up to 8.04 IIRC). However, the freezes happens always under updated 9.10 too.

I though it was a bug introduced by some update and attached myself to #74372, but I've checked if I can reproduce from a clean install (or *livecd*, in this case). I can, so for the case of clarity (#74372 has some noise) I report it here.

Also important: it's probably not hal related as the freeze happens when the hal isn't even started. Nothing appears in the udev log too. Kernel or gvfs stuff?