Comment 4 for bug 46731

Revision history for this message
Frank Küster (frank-kuesterei) wrote : Re: [Bug 46731] Re: Documentation created at package-build time is not hyphenated

TLE <email address hidden> wrote:

> Since a fix had been released for the bug which this bug is a
> consequence off, am I correct in assuming that the status of this one
> should be changed to "fix released" also ?

No idea. I know neither whether or when the fixed package reached
Ubuntu, nor whether the buggy documentation has been rebuilt since
then. Nor do I have a clue regarding the policy of bug closing in
Ubuntu (whether there's any manual or automatic version tracking or

I opened the bug because I hoped that Ubuntu cared about the appearance
of their non-english documentation and didn't want to release which such
a catastrophic typography. I also hoped that someone among the Ubuntu
developers would take the task to follow debian-bugs-rc or similar, and
add such simple, but important fixes in the future.

Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)