Comment 4 for bug 46119

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David Prieto (frandavid100-gmail) wrote :

"His card is fast enough, the problem might be the memmory on the card, it is shared with rest of the system, and thus is not a dedicated set of ram-chips.

Because these chips are on the other side of the agp-bus, performance might take a hit if the textures are really big. Are you using a large (as in MB's) desktop wallpaper?"

Not really, my DW weighs exactly 757 Kb. A regular 1280x800 jpg.

"Try removing it, and just using an opaque background color. That might help a lot".

Thanks, but that's the first thing I tried and sadly it didn't work.

"Offcourse testing with a speedier, card with onboard ram would also prove this".

That's totally not a feasible solution. I'm working on a laptop and changing the chipset is not possible. Besides, Compiz does seem to work properly once in a while, seemingly on a random basis. And with the same card.

Is there a way for me to record a video abut my desktop performance, like the ones Novell used to show the features of Compiz? I'd really like you to see the problem with your own eyes.