Comment 8 for bug 450263

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Gašper Sedej (gsedej) wrote :

Hi, David,

thanks for reply.

I tried on at least 3 (different) computers with ATI cards, and all had bug with rendering textures. Right today I was able to test on intel GPU driver (opensource) and it also had same issue.
I tried on at least 4 computers with nVidia (GeForce) cards, and all rendered OK. So I can assume it's driver problem. But I still didn't find any other application that has same bug.
This means it's not driver error, right? But why works fine on all nvidias?

1. My code: irrelevant, it only calls api.
2. MonoXNA: Uses libtao for OpenGL calls. No active developer uses ATI or intel graphics. It may be some bug during reading textures from file, but I am not sure.
3. Libtao: I will try to find other OpenGL apps.
4. Mono works ok.
5. OpenGL. Radeon driver is OpenGL 1.5 (or less) and does not suppert GLSL. But that's not case. I done some basic OpenGL examples in Tao.OpenGL only basic box with textures...) but worked ok on ati an nvidia.
6. I already send bug report on Radeon, but I could not give other example of issue. (I can't find bug)

I will try some other Tao.OpenGL (mono opengl) applications and report back.