Comment 12 for bug 375285

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ana (anabelle) wrote :

Hello - I have to say this sounds a bit odd but it's what I'm seeing so here goes ... I had 8.04 running on a home-made machine built around an Intel DG965WH (Core2Duo) motherboard. It was ok but I had some issues with browsing so thought I'd try an upgrade to see if it resolved them (as an aside - it looks as though it has!).

As its a homemade box, I thought it a good idea to monitor temperature so have set up the sensors-applet gadget in my desktop panel, monitoring the CPUs and two of my discs.

So I upgraded initially to 8.10 and straightaway noticed that the CPU temperatures were much higher than I was used to seeing: previously they had been in the 40s or occasionally 50s when pushed. Now they were going up into the 60s and 70s. Carrying on with the upgrade into 9.04 this has continued: if I let it alone, the temperature on both cores is going well into the 70s, which is not sustainable, I think.

CPU usage is 100% on both cores: if I throttle it back by stopping tracker-indexer then the temperature drops back to around 50.

This is not an ambient temperature problem - the disc temperatures are behaving as before, around 40.

What seems really odd is that I have regularly pushed the CPUs to 100% before - I often use this box for processing video files - and have never seen the temp go over 70. So what's going on?

1 - as a short term fix, what's the easiest way to stop tracker-indexer from running up each time I start?

2 - is it possible that a change in the OS has affected the way that fans for example are being controlled?

3 - is it possible that the temperature readings are not correct?

Any clues much appreciated.