Comment 1 for bug 372633

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Klaas1979 (klaas-prause) wrote :

Please checkout the post: with additional information, especially of user digitalsushi. The post with more information:
We have a similar issue. On Ubuntu 9.04 and Kubuntu 9.04, we have an init.d script called from runlevel 2 for auto-start. We noticed that it doesn't run after the system is loaded. We replaced our service with a script that does nothing but report when signals are received. We learned that something (probably the parent process) sends a SIGHUP and then a SIGTERM to our program. We're not sure what it is. A workaround solution is to prefix your service with a "nohup" command (inside your init.d script, not of the script itself). If you're unfamiliar with nohup, it simply intercepts any SIGHUP signals sent by a parent and shields them from reaching your program. In our case, it allows our service to work in Ubuntu 9.04.

If anyone knows why the service is being sent these signals, we'd love to learn more. Thanks.