Comment 16 for bug 365435

Revision history for this message
Dr. Clock (alittleknowhow) wrote :

Sorry, I started over from scratch, I am currently on Jaunty and am going to get the deb packages, but it will be a little while since I am going to update first, then
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential automake1

then erase the /var/cache/aptarchives using this command like before sudo apt-get clean,

sudo apt-get install jscalibrator libgii1 libjsw2

then get the deb packages, then when I am on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx I will update first,
then sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential automake1
then install the deb packages in what ever order they decide to be installed, then
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential automake1
that is how I got the dependences to work with it last time, once I am there again I will tell you what's up.

If my procedure here is wrong then let me know?

I was having trouble with Ubuntu Lucid Lynx anyways, then I tried installing Jaunty and the grub died, so I used DBAN from Hirens Boot CD 10.6 to clean this new hard drive, then I just installed Jaunty. I am thinking I should re-download and burn Lucid Lynx even though the when I boot the boot menu and have it check the CD for defects it says there are no problems, be when I boot into the Live Ubuntu desktop it says:

"The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again." If you encounter this error, restart your computer with the CD inserted, press any key at the splash screen (when you see the keyboard icon at the bottom of the screen), and select "Try Ubuntu without installing". Once the desktop appears, use the "Install Ubuntu 10.04" icon to begin installing Ubuntu.