Comment 3 for bug 33727

Revision history for this message
Jim Louvau (jlouvau) wrote :

The sound issue has to do with group membership. The only users that get "sound" are members of the audio group. You would have to set up nis to allow passing low GIDs and make the user on the server a member of audio (gid 29). Ubuntu (Debian) use a whole bunch of these... You need to be a member of "cdrom" to use CDs, "dialout" to use a modem, "plugdev" to use removable media like pen drives. This is a PITA with NIS because you have to manually add users to a bunch of groups and potentially dangerous since you need to export the low GIDs. Not a biggie on my home network, but... LDAP should handle these issues much more elegantly, but in its current form, it's a pain to set up, administer and use in a SOHO environment (read: overkill). Unfortunately, adding your NIS user to "admin" doesn't get you the menus, apparently because access to them is granted or denied locally BEFORE the NIS GIDs have been checked. All of the others (cdrom, plugdev, etc. work if mapped).