Comment 96 for bug 296167

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In , xianthax (xianthax) wrote :

(In reply to comment #14)
> We may have narrowed it down to .... wait for it.... Animated Cursors!
> Looks like if an animated cursor is active and the pointer crosses the screen,
> at least one of the calls to update the cursor image has the wrong screen
> information. This actually results in the cursor jumping back to the original
> screen and then immediately back again (only visible if you happen to have a
> breakpoint at the right posision).
> Once that happens, the screen info is out of sync, with the pointer image
> having a different target screen than the event delivery.
> To verify this, I'd need you to install a cursor theme that does not use
> animated cursors (don't ask me which one or how to install it...) and try to
> reproduce the bug.

I can see this as the bug does relate to graphics load for if i move my cursor away from an app with an animated cursor the likely hood of it not changing before reaching the X session border would increase (i would think) thus causing the bug to appear more often under load. If this is true i would imagine that the bug appears much more for those that keep apps full screened on each session (as i do with VM's at times, and do see an increase in frequency). I'll test this by keeping windows away from the boarders, thus giving the cursor more time to move to a non animated state before crossing the boarder.

