Comment 80 for bug 296167

Revision history for this message
In , Thomas Jarosch (thomas-jarosch) wrote :

My coworker and I were able to reproduce it with
just X, xterm and a little script:


export DISPLAY=:0.0

for COUNT in `seq 1 50`; do
    XPOS=$[ ( $RANDOM % 4600 ) ]
    YPOS=$[ ( $RANDOM % 1000 ) ]
    xterm -geometry 80x25+$XPOS+$YPOS &

The trick is to move the mouse fast between the screen/GPU
borders while the windows are being opened.

We got the root window id via "xdpyinfio" and then
started xev -id ROOT-ID. The mouse events all go
to the root window instead of the applications
when the bug occurs. Huh?