Comment 20 for bug 289836

Revision history for this message
John Doe (johndoe32102002) wrote :

Bluetooth used to work on Ubuntu Hardy (8.04, 32-bit), and now fails on Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10, 32-bit).

user@COMPUTER:~$ lsusb | grep Bluetooth
Bus 003 Device 003: ID 047d:105d Kensington PocketMouse Bluetooth

user@COMPUTER:~$ sudo hcitool scan
[sudo] password for user:
Scanning ...
Inquiry failed: Connection timed out

user@COMPUTER:~$ sudo hciconfig hci0 reset

user@COMPUTER:~$ sudo hcitool scan
Scanning ...
 <mac address here> n/a

user@COMPUTER:~$ sudo hciconfig
hci0: Type: USB
 BD Address: <mac address here> ACL MTU: 377:10 SCO MTU: 16:0
 RX bytes:1505 acl:0 sco:0 events:50 errors:0
 TX bytes:1263 acl:0 sco:0 commands:60 errors:0

Here is my /var/log/daemon.log before and after the above commands:

Nov 16 11:01:24 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: HCI dev 0 registered
Nov 16 11:01:25 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: HCI dev 0 up
Nov 16 11:01:35 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Can't write inquiry mode for /org/bluez/hci0: Connection timed out (110)
Nov 16 11:01:40 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Can't write class of device: Connection timed out (110)
Nov 16 11:01:55 COMPUTER last message repeated 3 times
Nov 16 11:01:55 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Registered interface org.bluez.NetworkPeer on path /org/bluez/hci0
Nov 16 11:02:00 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Can't write class of device: Connection timed out (110)
Nov 16 11:02:00 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Registered interface org.bluez.NetworkHub on path /org/bluez/hci0
Nov 16 11:02:05 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Can't write class of device: Connection timed out (110)
Nov 16 11:02:05 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Registered interface org.bluez.NetworkRouter on path /org/bluez/hci0
Nov 16 11:02:05 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Registered interface org.bluez.SerialProxyManager on path /org/bluez/hci0
Nov 16 11:02:05 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Registered interface org.bluez.Service on path /org/bluez/hci0
Nov 16 11:02:05 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Adapter /org/bluez/hci0 has been enabled
Nov 16 11:02:05 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Starting security manager 0
Nov 16 11:02:11 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Can't write class of device: Connection timed out (110)
Nov 16 11:03:07 COMPUTER NetworkManager: <info> Unmanaged Device found; state CONNECTED forced. (see
Nov 16 11:08:24 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: HCI dev 0 down
Nov 16 11:08:24 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Unregistered interface org.bluez.NetworkPeer on path /org/bluez/hci0
Nov 16 11:08:24 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Unregistered interface org.bluez.NetworkHub on path /org/bluez/hci0
Nov 16 11:08:24 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Unregistered interface org.bluez.NetworkRouter on path /org/bluez/hci0
Nov 16 11:08:24 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Adapter /org/bluez/hci0 has been disabled
Nov 16 11:08:24 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Stopping security manager 0
Nov 16 11:08:25 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: HCI dev 0 up
Nov 16 11:08:35 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Can't write inquiry mode for /org/bluez/hci0: Connection timed out (110)
Nov 16 11:08:40 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Can't write class of device: Connection timed out (110)
Nov 16 11:08:55 COMPUTER last message repeated 3 times
Nov 16 11:08:55 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Failed to listen on control channel
Nov 16 11:09:00 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Can't write class of device: Connection timed out (110)
Nov 16 11:09:00 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Registered interface org.bluez.NetworkPeer on path /org/bluez/hci0
Nov 16 11:09:05 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Can't write class of device: Connection timed out (110)
Nov 16 11:09:05 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Registered interface org.bluez.NetworkHub on path /org/bluez/hci0
Nov 16 11:09:10 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Can't write class of device: Connection timed out (110)
Nov 16 11:09:10 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Registered interface org.bluez.NetworkRouter on path /org/bluez/hci0
Nov 16 11:09:10 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Registered interface org.bluez.SerialProxyManager on path /org/bluez/hci0
Nov 16 11:09:10 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Registered interface org.bluez.Service on path /org/bluez/hci0
Nov 16 11:09:10 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Adapter /org/bluez/hci0 has been enabled
Nov 16 11:09:10 COMPUTER bluetoothd[5031]: Starting security manager 0

Please fix Bluetooth for Ubuntu 8.10 users. Thanks.