Comment 3 for bug 285056

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Ze Killer-Whale (ze-killer-whale) wrote :

Got exactly the same problem Benjamin Kay has but on a i686 machine (Inspiron 6400), although I succeeded in remapping the "Play/Pause" button to actually Play/Pause : You've got to go to the Global Shortcuts options in Amarok, remove the shortcut XF86AudioPlay mapped to "Play", save your prefs, and edit the "Play/Pause" shortcut to this same button, it should work!

But the Prev/Next buttons only work when Amarok is focused and the Stop button doesn't work at all and is named "XF86LowerVolume" although it doesn't lowers the volume...

I thought the fault was my laptop but I've got a friend with a multimedia keyboard (don't remember the brand) who has exactly the same problem...

Hope this will soon be fixed because I had no issue with the previous versions and this one is supposed to be "more compatible" with media keys... :s