Comment 29 for bug 22501

Revision history for this message
Keywan Tonekaboni (prometoys) wrote :

I guess Matthias used gstreamer0.8, because he use Breezy. I can ask him to help me to debug serpentine on Dapper tommorrow.

For the moment just the output of the pipe on my computer:

prometoys@cassini:~$ gst-launch filesrc location=music.mp3 "! decodebin ! audioscale ! audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, depth=(int)16, signed=(boolean)true, rate=(int)44100, channels=(int)2 ! wavenc"
???: \

** (gst-launch-0.10:17500): WARNING **: error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined
???: \
???: \
???: \
???: \
WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "audioscale"