Comment 8 for bug 221330

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zcat (zcat) wrote : Re: [Bug 221330] Re: [hardy] Cannot change default player for DVDs
  • unnamed Edit (1.4 KiB, text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1)

> could you stop commenting on a duplicate bug? upstream didn't change
> things to annoy users or similar, they just did a lot of architecture
> work this cycle and focussed on getting things working so they didn't
> focus yet on the interface, that's likely going to be changed next
> cycle, could you be constructive rather?

'Upstream' make it quite clear in the discussion referenced that they DO
think removing the ability to configure this, or at least hiding it, is a
usability improvement. Their attitude is quite clear, and AFIAC quite wrong.

And I still don't accept that my bug is a duplicate of that bug. I don't
even have a 'file management' entry in preferences. I'm not complaining that
options are missing from a dialog, I'm complaining that an entire dialog for
an option I would like to be able to reconfigure and which I felt was
already in the most intuative possible place it could be, has been removed
for no apparent reason. I'll settle for them moving it to the CD properties.
I won't settle for "we know best, you're too stupid to know what media
player you want to use"