Comment 2 for bug 218599

Revision history for this message
A. Bram Neijt (bneijt) wrote :

You can force this to happen by opening up a terminal and executing "sudo reboot". Any unclean umount will cause this. I have the same problem and havn't found any solution yet.

The weird thing is, is that the empty unused mount points are not reused, even though all the rights and permissions check out (if those where different, we would probably have a security hole).

A temporary fix for this is to assign the USB drive to a specific mount point using /etc/fstab:
UUID=9115728d-4039-42bb-ab52-bde108954ef9 /media/Omikron auto defaults,noatime,errors=remount-ro,user 0 0

Where the UUID can be found by doing the following:
- Plug in the device
- execute "mount" to find the device name (/dev/sdc1 or other)
- Find the uuid of the device: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/

You can also verify the uuid via the properties dialogue of the mount point in nautilus, but for some weird reason you can't copy and paste it from there.

After setting up the special directory for that one drive, it should be put in the /media/Omikron directory even if that directory already exists.

Also note that I do not consider this a fix and this is still a bug in my opinion.