Comment 13 for bug 2064037

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Jon Crall (erotemic) wrote :

Oh boy, so I've spent the past two days recording observations on this issue, and I see no clear patterns at all. I've created a zipfile with a text document called update.txt which contains my actions and observations.

The basic pattern is: I do stuff, wait for the screen blank, un-blank and see if it crashes. Sometimes the crash happens and sometimes it does not. It also contains observations that detail what may be a separate issue (enabling / disabling screens had weird behavior, and I think I found a minor but fixable bug in the screenshot tool). I have 2 journalctl logs in there. After a few entries I realized I should start adding timestamps and normalize the observation format, so it goes from prose to a time / action / result / notes format after a point. In a few places I reference screenshots (which demonstrate the screenshot and monitor bug), those are included in the zipfile.

Things that should be noted: At this point I've installed a fair bit of
external software on the machine. I've included a list of it in apt_list.txt in
the zipfile. I also have a development .pyenv in my home directory and my
.bashrc will default to a specified virtualenv.

So far I'm the only person who has reported this behavior. I'm wondering if its an issue with my hardware?

I really like 24.04 so far, but this is a major issue for me. I may try a fresh install to make more observations with less uncontrolled variables.