Comment 6 for bug 2060939

Revision history for this message
bugproxy (bugproxy) wrote : Comment bridged from LTC Bugzilla

------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2024-05-13 05:20 EDT-------
Hi Phoenyx,

I'm glad to hear that you were able to fix your issue.

I have to admit I don't get the full picture of your analysis:
The firewall gateways you mention, where are they? Inside KVM guests attached to your OSA card? Or external to IBM Z?
The pinging device where is that? External connected via a physical switch?
What exactly was the unexptected bahaviour of the OSA cards?

In case you want us to investigate further, I would propose to try and recreate
the issue and reduce it to the minimum failing scenario (just 2 endpoints; can we ommit VLAN, bridge, firewall, .. ? The less the better)
And then describe exactly what the expected behaviour is, what the unexpected behaviour is and how to reproduce it.