Comment 6 for bug 182190

Revision history for this message
kubuntu_user (anibalmorales) wrote : Re: How my company and MSFT are Ubuntu Linux - Please Fix!!!!

I would love to help create specs if I knew exactly what was required. I am not familiar with the implementation details of the products mentioned. I figured that this is something that Canonical can negotiate and maybe create 'Restricted Drivers".

From my perspective, all I know is that the small but [formerly] growing community of Linux laptop engineering users at my (Forbes 100) company has been essentially wiped out by two requirements:

1- Use WDE from PGP Corp.
2- Use encrypted USB drives from this list:
   * SanDisk Cruzer Enterprise
   * Kingston Data Traveler Secure Privacy Edition

Both of these only work for Windows, so we are dead in the water, with only virtual machines as alternatives. They will not relinquish the specific encryption requirement due to the previously discussed concerns, which I completely understand.

I think the time is ripe for Linux to join the enterprise game and support these particular technologies.