Comment 0 for bug 1731382

Revision history for this message
quanxian (quanxian-wang) wrote : [Feature] DPTF binary tools

Dynamic Platform Thermal Framework (DPTF).

Linux DPTF Extract Utility
This is a companion tool to Linux Thermal Daemon (thermald). This tool tries to reuse some of the tables used by
"Intel ® Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework (Intel® DPTF)" by converting to the thermal_conf.xml format used by thermald.
There are two ways this tool can be used:
Execute on the same system as thermald
In this mode root privilege is required. This tool will copy converted files to /var/run/thermald/ folder. This is the default folder for thermald to pickup auto generated configuration file using ACPI tables.
Execute on existing output of Linux acpidump utilities
In this mode the existing ACPI dump is parsed and output file is generated and copied to /var/run/thermald/. For example to generate acpi dump and create thermal_conf.xml manually:
acpidump > acpi.out
acpixtract -a acpi.out
dptfxtract "*.dat"
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Target Release: 18.04