Comment 18 for bug 1594023

Revision history for this message
Andrew Smith (z-andrew-4) wrote :

I run LTS releases and ran into this Shutdown failure about the time the upgrade notification came through from 14.04, so did not investigate closely as I suspected it would go when I upgraded to 16.04. It didn't. Mine is a pretty standard i7 desktop with an SSD. I have noticed the following:
*When it fails I can either Suspend it or pop up a terminal and do "shutdown -h now". Both work immediately but,
*If Suspend is used, the following time I can do a normal Shutdown and it works normally. The normal Shutdown after that fails.
*If the terminal command is used, the following time I do a normal Shutdown it fails.
So somehow Suspend circumvents the problem for one time. I am no command line guru so I don't know what logs or files I should be looking at. Any suggestions?