Comment 2 for bug 149775

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Vincenzo Ciancia (vincenzo-ml) wrote :

I dreamed of this for a long time. In my opinion, one should take an ubuntu laptop and a laptop with a different OS/environment (e.g. suse, windows, osx), and take note of all embarassing bugs (e.g. no ability to work with cabled networks without dhcp, if one has no admin rights, printers setup not working, user switching not working in the first desktop OS having multi-user etc.). Then a voting system would prioritize the bug list and we all will know that, fixing the bugs reported there, we will have an OS that reacts as expected to usual tasks. There will always be tons of specific bugs, but you won't have a "strange" desktop where some every-day operations such as connecting to pay-per-time dsl require the Scary MS-DOS-alike Terminal Window to be executed.

You can already tag bugs, we just need the voting system. We need a voting system which normalizes among all voters, so that if one just wants a cosmetic fix and gives a high vote to that, it won't work.

A note for whatever developer reads this: the number of bug reporters which are not ubuntu developers nor members of the QA-team suggests that ubuntu unconsciously carried out a revolution: tons of users who really want to help the developers by reporting errors. Let them vote for the bugs, give them decision power. In a couple of years I bet you'll think how did you work without such an help.