Comment 1 for bug 133848

Revision history for this message
Motin (motin) wrote :

I too second the need for an updated packaging for Feisty/Gutsy, one that hopefully could be included in the repositories.

Packages for Dapper are already available. Use the Ubuntu installer script from the project homepage or add "deb binary-i386/" to your third party repository list and then install the package "jahskaka".

They are however in no way stable for use on Feisty... I had to rewrite this comment just now because I installed started the above Jahshaka version (on my Feisty system) and X crashed when I tried to even browse for a media file to load.

PS To Jahskaha developer's: why not use Launchpad to track bugs etc? Your current forum-based solution makes it hard to see what the current bug situation is.