Comment 23 for bug 1280300

Revision history for this message
Mike Jones (7-ubuntuone-kenl) wrote :

Below is a workaround I use.

viewnior --fullscreen '/home/user_name/Images/My solid color image which obscures my desktop.png' && sleep 2 && dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 "org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.Suspend" boolean:true && i3lock -i '/home/user_name/Images/My image I like to look at when my computer wakes up.png' -p default -n

I lock my screen with a keyboard shortcut I created in Xubuntu which I associated with the above script.

After my computer wakes up I need to exit Viewnior (the image viewer I am using) so that the the file called, "My solid color image which obscures my desktop.png" disappears.

I suppose the extra step would not be necessary if someone with some technical knowledge would explain how to cause i3lock to exit the image viewer after the computer wakes up.

I use "viewnior --fullscreen" instead of "viewnior -f" because the later didn't seem to work in a terminal. I suppose this was a result of my using a French language terminal.

Also, if you need to resize your image because you want it to appear centered on the screen, there's no need to install GIMP or any other draw or paint application.

I used Google Drawings to resize "My solid color image which obscures my desktop.png" to match my screen size which is 1366 x 768 pixels. I went to File–>Page configuration–>Customize and typed 1366 then 768 and chose pixels.

Then I downloaded "My solid color image which obscures my desktop.png" to my local drive.

I suppose if the developer(s) of this app were to a detailed explanation of the abovein a message, say the first five times a new image were used in i3lock, it would help new users quickly and easily lock their screen securely and ensure their images were centered on the screen.