Comment 10 for bug 121433

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unebaguettesvp (phil-quietthenloud) wrote :

hello? anyone listening?!

some more info:

audacity was having the same exact problem. so, i fooled around with the settings. in Edit > Preferences > Audio I/O (Tab), for Playback it was set to "OSS: /dev/dsp". so, i noticed another option for "OSS: /dev/dsp3". the sound with that setting worked. what also worked was "ALSA: Audigy 2 ZS [SB0350]: ADC Capture/Standard PCM Playback (hw:3, 0)". so, now i left it at that option and it works.

then, i tried mednafen again. here are the settings in mednafen.cfg pertaining to the sound:

;Select sound driver.
sounddriver oss

;Select sound output device.
sounddevice /dev/dsp

that was the original settings, which didn't work. the mednafen team also says to try default for sounddevice, which didn't work either. then i tried /dev/dsp3 which worked! i thought i finally fixed the problem. but /dev/dsp3 doesn't seem to be consistent. sometimes i have to set it to /dev/dsp1. i don't know why. i don't understand what this means.

for amarok, if i select the oss sound engine i cannot choose /dev/dsp3, only /dev/dsp.

i have no idea how to change mplayer32 settings. but if i did, i would imagine it would be the same.

so, my question is now... what the hell is wrong with /dev/dsp? (whatever it is)