Comment 1 for bug 120219

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lefty.crupps (eljefedelito) wrote :

As I have followed up on this more, it seems that Linus himself would like the ZFS but is wary of Sun and concerned with the licensing incompatibilities. Ubuntu seems more pragmatic, where if the code is useful it should be included, with a hope for future Free software to replace the closed-source. ZFS might be just that.

My suggestion to Ubuntu is to implement ZFS anyways (is this possible?) either into the kernel or as a module for Ubuntu, and then write an app similar to Apple's TimeMachine to take advantage of this file system. Then, use the ZFS as the default file system and present the new TimeMachine-type app with first-boot, along with an intro screen that explains the concept and its benefits, and how to do it.

Please consider this, and consider it (time machine app) for ALL of the Ubuntu family (K/X/Edu/Ubuntu) as I am tired of innovation for Kubuntu being three steps behind Ubuntu....