Comment 0 for bug 1176309

Revision history for this message
Hernawan Fa'iz Abdillah (abdillah) wrote :

+Background :
I have windows running side-by-side with ubuntu. And windows use ntfs-formatted disk. The problem comes up when I accessed the disk from ubuntu. I run ubuntu 13.04 from fresh installation.

+Package (maybe) involved :
- Unity 7.0.0
- Nautilus 3.6.3

+Steps to Reproduce :
1. Open nautilus and browse for the external partition
- Make sure nautilus focus on the external partition (it's location path and the content it shown).
- External partition means partition other than system ("/" and it's children). <<< important
- Thrash (on sidebar bookmark) also has the problem.

2. Minimize (or hide) nautilus into unity

3. Click on the nautilus launcher. In this point, my problem <Happened>

Additional :
4. Try to maximize (if it can't use Alt+Tab)

5. Click on the launcher again

+Happened :
Number 4 condition :
I can't restore nautilus through unity in the step (3). Clicking on the launcher launchs another nautilus. But, when I open the second nautilus and it comes to run--and minimized (optional)--I can now restore them.

Number 5 condition :
When I click unity launcher of nautilus (not-hidden state), it launchs another nautilus...
(Thought, in normal condition, it does nothing)
Both condition is not happened, if I change the nautilus focus into internal partition (system or /home/)

+Hope :
A light to solve the problem or a small fix :).

+Hipothesis :
- Is this because of modified fstab config? If so, I will attach it. (the disk is automount with given permission)
- Related to permission. I set in fstab the permission "umask=022"
- User Account change. I change my user (delete and recreate) with the same username as before. (abdillah => abdillahu => abdillah). Does it confuse the machine about ownership?

Is the data enough? If not please send request on me.