Comment 32 for bug 116897

Revision history for this message
tirili (tom-tiri) wrote :

Oops I didnt install virsh....

Now I did but get this error:

Adding group `libvirtd' (GID 112) ...
 * Starting libvirt management daemon libvirtd
libvir: QEMU error : failed to add iptables rule to allow DHCP requests from 'virbr0' : Invalid argument
Failed to autostart network 'default': failed to add iptables rule to allow DHCP requests from 'virbr0' : Invalid argument

But -- installation start seems working: (but the xend-hotplug.log shows xenstore-read: couldn't read path backend/vbd/10/51728/node).

# virt-install
Would you like a fully virtualized guest (yes or no)? This will allow you to run unmodified operating systems. no
 What is the name of your virtual machine? vs2
 How much RAM should be allocated (in megabytes)? 500
 What would you like to use as the disk (file path)? /data/linuXen/vs2.img
 You are going to overwrite file '/data/linuXen/vs2.img'!
Do you really want to use the file (yes or no)? yes
 Would you like to enable graphics support? (yes or no) no
 What is the install location? /data/install/CentOS-4.6-x86_64-binDVD.iso

Starting install...
libvir: Xen Daemon error : GET operation failed:
libvir: Xen Daemon error : GET operation failed:
Creating domain... 0 B 00:01