Comment 6 for bug 1152815

Revision history for this message
heheman3000 (mizzao) wrote :

Hi Wallace,

Thanks for your response. I'm not sure how to enable connection tracking; I don't see the specific method on BoneCP that does that, could you elaborate?

Here's how to replicate the bug. The changes in the latest revision of my software were pushed just for you:

Comment out the line that makes a max connections of 10 and reduce it to 5. Configure your database using the "" file. Run that test file (ConcurrentGroupsTest) to get deadlocks (you will see nothing happen in the GUI and the test just times out). If the test completes normally, try reducing the number of connections a bit more.

I run from eclipse. Let me know if you have problems because I don't really use maven from the commandline. You will also need to add this project to your dependencies to get it to compile.
