Comment 29 for bug 105907

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In , Ludovic RESLINGER (lr-cuivres) wrote : Re: Bug#331072: ITP: cinelerra-cv -- non-linear video editor and compositor for Linux

Holger Levsen a écrit :
> Cheers!
> Which version control system to you plan to use for the packaging?
> Have you looked into the packaging problems which are the reasons why
> cinelerra hasnt made it into Debian so far?
> regards,
> Holger

Hello Holger,

I think to use the Cinelerra-CV version for packaging because it seems
to be a more stable version with a community of developers who works
to correct some bugs on Herroinewarrior version. I think it would be
the best choise for debian package.

Yes, I looked into the packaging problems. I'm going to try a solution
for this problem of licences.

     .---. Ludovic RESLINGER
    / \
    \.@-@./ Free Software Developer
    /`\_/`\ Musician
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