Comment 9 for bug 1008322

Revision history for this message
Tora Kuat (torakuat-gmail) wrote :

Recent days, the problem is getting worse. Now it occurs more often, especially in Fire Fox. Now there are sort of illegile letters in those purple stripes. Worse is, because it now quickly spreads accross the affected window, rendering the whole window illegible.

Then I found I was not alone:

The clue given on that site, to switch to 2D unity. I thought earlier, that 2D unity is 'heavier' than Unity, so I did not try 2D Unity. Until I understood, that Unity is actually 3D Unity. Anyway, a few hours ago I logged in with 2D Unity. Now I have been working around 30 minutes, with multi tabbed Fire Fox, GIMP opens, Thunderbird, Libre Office Write. I found no funny scramble so far. I hope this will temporary 'solve' my problem. I will report if I find anything otherwise.

Since I heard Ubuntu is going to leave Unity or Unity 2D option, and only comes up with Unity only, I hope this problem will not appear in the 12.10 Ubuntu. I hope a solution for Unity in 12.04 can be found too, since it is supposed to be stable, LTS version.

Please do not exprire this bug yet, pending to more testing with Ubuntu 2D. Thanks.