Comment 4 for bug 1008322

Revision history for this message
Tora Kuat (torakuat-gmail) wrote :


Please let me tell some background story first, in the hope, it helps you understand more comprehensively.

I use Ubuntu since 9.04 and never experience this kind of bug, at least not this severe. Typically I use Office Libre, GIMP, Fire Fox simultaneously.

Since I (fresh) install Ubuntu 12.04 I started experiencing this bug. I did not report, since I thought it would go away with regular update. I submitted the report two days ago, because at that time, the bug occured more frequently even to the extent the computer need to be hard restarted. The bug can not be reproduced without fail, usually it happened when you type something, than enter or save and Ubuntu reacts. For example when you want to save a picture in GIMP, it happens the split second you press 'SAVE', either nothing happens abnormally, or the bug appears (please look at the screen shot). Another instance was, I typed something in Fire Fox address bar than enter, than it happens. It happens typically in the (sub) window following the 'enter'. As said, not always reproducable, but the day I submit the report, it was quite a nuissance.


I don't know, whether it is a coincidence. After submitting the bug, I hardly encounter this bug again. I encountered it once today, while trying to sudo edit the 'patch' you requesting, but it went away a second or two later, even before I managed to screen shot it.

I just tested working with GIMP, Libre Office, Fire Fox, saving in and out from a USB stick, but were not able to reproduce it again today. Hopefully it is gone. If you allow, I will test again in one week, if nothing happen, maybe it is gone.


I attach you some screen shot (from the other day I reported the bug) and the patch (from today) for your perusal. I am not sure whether I can attach multiple attachment here but I will try. If it fail, you think I'd better attach them from my e mail. (EDITED) I think I can only attach one file, so I will try to send them by e mail after this web submittal

Fabio, thanks a lot for responding and for helping Ubuntu becoming an excellent Operating System.

