Comment 465 for bug 1

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Rob Haag (rhaag71) wrote :

This bug is affecting me in a big way for months. Heres the story:

I enrolled into a Software Development program at major Community College here in Columbus, Ohio. I'm sure this happens at other institutions too. The problem is this, last semester I registered for 3 classes. I finished one, and it has not much to do with coding, Business Management 101. First I tried to start my beginning algebra class, it is a hybrid, mostly web based with a once a week class meeting. I was promptly informed that I will need to use Adobe Flash and MS Internet Explorer, No problem! Yeah right, after creating the work-a-rounds I made further progress into the web site only to be stopped by a message informing me that they only allow users with MS Windows, no go here! I ended up dropping the class and losing my money. My other class, Intro to Operating Systems turned out to be 99% based on, you guessed it, MS crap. To make things even worse they made little mention of Linux or Mac and when they did they portrayed them both to be of old useless (to the 'normal' user) technology. Linux was said to be mainly for servers and has little use on the Desktop. Mac OS was said to be it's own Operating System invented by apple and all they taught was a little abouts it's GUI, never a mention that it is a Unix (now officially) and no mention of any other OS's either. Oh, except for MS-DOS how could I forget. This is quite irritating to me, I paid good money to go to school and learn something, not be fed BS by someone who is, in my opinion, not even qualified (maybe she is on paper, I don't even know) to teach this subject anyhow. I thought I was enrolled to learn how to program, code, be innovative even. Not here, I am quite disappointed. This semester has just started this week, and guess what? More of the same story only this time with a little different description, lets see....The little one credit beginning HTML class, which is web based, tells me that I MUST use MS Windows XP (quite specific) and all assignments must be written using MS's Notepad, I don't think they would know the difference if I use Gedit, but thats not the point. The 'PC Applications' course, well it's mis-titled, should be MS Office. And I also decided to abort the second attempt at the math and OS classes, futile. I just want to learn to program, and not for MS. Maybe, since I am already broke, I should just dedicate my time to open source projects and forget the degree until I can afford to not use MS, thats a twist!