Comment 461 for bug 1

Revision history for this message
franganghi (joered) wrote :

> Microsoft having a majority market share is not a bug. This is something
> that in no way effects how ubuntu works or functions.

Yes, you're right but [Bug 1] affects MS users, not the gnu/linux Ubuntu OS!
We must remember that people who are reading this comments are already listed somewhere in a home workstation passwd file!

The effects of the bug are individually tangible and can be marked as bugs, but we can't create an istance of the bug report system to trace user's issue!
So, the BUG 1 - in this prospective - is just a way for us to say ourselves "Ok, we are not affected by any bug because we're using Ubuntu (or any other kind of gnu/linux kernel based distribution): now we have to work to understand the reasons why other "humans" are still affected by such a strange kind of bug we used to call MS, and finally we MUST craete a patch.".

And what do i mean by "patch"? How can we patch an "human"?
I simply mean future releases such as 7.10, 8.04, 8.10 ans so on...
This is just what humans can do for other humans in a cooperation based evolutive environment.

PS - Excuse me for my bad english.

rif: [manifest]
Ubuntu is an African word meaning 'Humanity to others', or 'I am what I am because of who we all are'.
The Ubuntu distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world.