Comment 45 for bug 1

Revision history for this message
DarkMageZ (darkmagez) wrote :

This bug is currently being allowed by the U.S government, due to the fact that they cannot force open-source developers to include backdoor's into *nix. (Notice how the U.S didn't put any sanctions against microsoft for being a monopoly?)

The reason why the U.S government wants this ability to enforce back-door's on 90%+ of the worlds computers is due to the fact they are working on world domination. (

Also, if alot of the Linux Distro's were to merge (reducing the number from 300+ to about 30), then big manufactors of pc's would start to loose the excuse of there being tooo many linux distro's for them to choose. Also, this would help focus the efforts of the opensource community into making 30 or so REALLY GOOD linux distro's, instead of lots and lots of half-there or almost there distros.