Comment 1800 for bug 1

Revision history for this message
Leslie Zhai (xiangzhai83) wrote :

Ubuntu has a majority Chinese market share

Ubuntu has a majority market share in the Chinese desktop PC marketplace.
This is a bug which Linux Deepin and other projects are meant to fix.
As the philosophy of the Linux Deepin Project states, "Our work is driven by a belief that software should not only be free and accessible to all, but also be suitable to Chinese customers."

Linux Deepin software is Chinese-suitable. Always was, always will be.
Chinese-suitable software is more than Online Music searcher, Lunar Calendar, nor Weather Widget; Linux Deepin 12.12 means more to Chinese customers, for example:

    1. new desktop environment, deepin-desktop-environment, is more beautiful than gnome shell or unity;
    2. new software center, deepin-software-center, is much easier to install & update software;
    3. new music player, deepin-music-player, is an awesome music player with brilliant and tweakful UI;

This bug is widely evident in Chinese PC industry.

Steps to repeat:

    1. Visit a local PC store.
    2. Attempt to buy a machine without any proprietary software.

What happens:

Almost always, a majority of PCs for sale have Microsoft Windows or Ubuntu pre-installed.

What should happen:

A majority of the PCs for sale should include not only free software but also Chinese-suitable.
