Comment 1798 for bug 1

Revision history for this message
Mind Booster Noori (marado-isp) wrote :

Luis Alvarado (luisalvarado) wrote on 2013-04-05:
> There is work in progress to solve this bug. You can find some of the progress here:
> and
> The fix will arrive "soon" on Ubuntu

Microsoft's market share is still at 78%[1]. This is, however, a measure of "what's running", and if we consider the word "marketplace" and the reproduction steps in the bug report, then maybe the bug report is about "what's available to purchase", instead, and your links are more relevant. But in the same vein, the majority of the market share isn't from Microsoft anymore according to the same link, Android having the biggest slice of the pie, and, still, being only a 22% slice (2012 numbers). So, in one hand, the "Microsoft" part of the bug is solved, but on the other hand the report talks about devices without proprietary software, and I bet almost 100% percent of the Android devices out there for sale have include proprietary software.

In summary, I think there is a flaw in this bug report: it isn't clear what's being considered a bug here. Maybe there are two bugs (Microsoft dominance, Proprietary software dominance), and, if that's the case, then this bug should probably split in two.
