Comment 1789 for bug 1

Revision history for this message
nameremoved (errorwhywhywhy-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

 >Yes, it was not really ok to add the amazon and online search. I think,
even Canonical knows in the meantime that everybody else in the community
dislikes that.


> But please, there is the switch to turn it off even in the GUI of the
privacy settings, so this is not really a problem!

I had already turned it off, and then it decided to leak the data. I am also curious what the 'Data' that it was sending was.

> Otherwise it would be Google or Microsoft collecting your data - or -
mostly ignored: Your internet provider.

I did a reverse IP adress lookup, and the IP adress is owned by canonical. And I deny ALL cookies. And Micro$haft can go die in a hole before I hand over my data.

 > So I do
see a logic in the idea of Canonical to incorporate everything into the
dash because the rookie user will expect to find everything from there.

I personally believe that if this 'feature' must be incorparated, it should at least ask the user if they want it installed during an update/ fresh install. Or at least have it turned off by default. (Although my preference is for it to NOT be installed)