Comment 1668 for bug 1

Revision history for this message
Martin Wildam (mwildam) wrote : Re: [Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 13:31, them par <email address hidden> wrote:
> * Ubuntu should have gufw preinstalled and turned on by default.

This one, I wondered why Ubuntu comes without firewall preinstalled
but then somebody told me: If there is - by default - no service
providing services there is no vulnerable point. So the security
problem is solved at it's root (which I like in general: solving
problems at their root). On Windows there are a plenty of vulnerable
points on a default install. But instead of closing down those,
Windows enables the firewall by default (you may not see the sense -
as in both situations the services cannot be used from outside ;-) ).

> * A Unity configurator like MyUnity should be preinstalled.
> * A short ubuntu desktop video should be included on how to use Ubuntu and unity or something like the Ubuntu tour. It may advise the user to install some programs. For example, a new user will not be aware of the HUD feature or that when he maximizes a window, the title bar are migrated in the top bar, about the global menu or how to use the Ubuntu Software Center.

Let me add three things:
* A few more quick-access hotkeys or mouse activity (e.g. One of my
first things is to add in Compiz desktop switch (left or right) using
left or right mouse buttons on upper or lower screen edge.
* Sub-Launchers - the left edge is simply far too small for all my
often needed icons. There is no room left and all the time scrolling
down is annoying. Optionally at least allow smaller icons than 32x32.
* There should a traditional Gnome menu button (optionally if you
want) be added to the launcher for those who want to strive through
everything that is installed. There are many reasons for why users may
want that (e.g. striving through the menu a support guy gets a good
overview on what the user has installed - or - a user wants to use the
first video editor that is already available without seeing all the
stuff that is available, but probably not installed) in a categorized
way. Some people simply think in categories and menus (maybe because
of the file structures that they are used to - I am working in DMS and
ECM field and it's simply hard to get people stop that category and
file system thinking). And basically it doesn't hurt anybody having
both options to find stuff.

Best regards,
Martin Wildam