Comment 1287 for bug 1

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Faldegast (faldegast) wrote : RE: [Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

> I think there is a business model that exist. If I'm not mistaken it's
> close to Google's Android OS. Again, canonical takes ownership of
> marketing. What WE can do is support it, just like how Apple' s Mac fan
> base. Early adopters like us should continue to promote Ubuntu.
And that business model is exactly what? Androids business model is Android Market. As far as i know there are no "Ubuntu Market/Store". And know a web store where I can buy a T-skirt doesn't count. I know that Canonical also has commercial support of Ubuntu in some regions. There is a System -> help in Ubuntu and help menu's in most apps, however i cannot find any info on commercial support anywhere. Shouldn't it be there somewhere?

Apple's business model is different and should be. They are strictly hierarchal with Jobs at the top making all decisions. Ubuntu is community driven. Its not just supported by its community but influenced by it. If we dont like something in the OS we can patch it. Apples user cant do that. But yes in the end its up to canonical to find a working business model.

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