Comment 1230 for bug 1

Revision history for this message
Hodge (hodge) wrote :

This bug is widespread in the UK, and like so many bugs, seems to have mutated and migrated to the Human population. When I wished to purchase a new laptop, I requested Vista be removed, and the price of the OS (and I use the term loosely) discounted from the price of the laptop, that I might install Ubuntu myself. I was informed that it was unwise to install Ubuntu, or any other Linux (pronounced "Lie-nux"), since "most computers are not compatible" and "it's very buggy and difficult to install". Apparently, when it is installed, "lots of things go wrong, and don't work, and it's very difficult to fix". When I argued to the contrary, and informed the salesman that I'd been using computers for 25 years, and Linux (pronounced Linux) was stable, he abruptly turned away, and proceeded to lure an unsuspecting young couple into buying a computer with Windozzze preinstalled.

However, conversely, when I wished to by a laptop in Thailand, the machine was clean, and I was asked which operating system I would like pre-installing, and given a wonderfully wide choice of open source OSs, in addition to XP and Vista. When I informed them that a clean computer was fine, and that I would install the OS myself, I was met with a beaming smile.

I find this an incredibly worrying and disturbing bug, which seems to be predominant in "the West". Might I suggest we begin by stopping the spread of this bug to other countries, before addressing the root problem of the bug?