Comment 1059 for bug 1

Revision history for this message
jjt (webmaster-jjtcomputing) wrote :

I think Ubuntu needs blogging about. I started a Linux blog, but one person is not enough. You can get a free wordpress blog at and everyone should do that.

It is also important that Ubuntu is more user-friendly. I recently wrote an article about playing Encrypted DVDs on Ubuntu - Things like that shouldn't have to be documented on people's blogs - they should either work or have a simple manual page on that tells people how to do it. More Windows-like features would really help increase market share.

Until about a year ago, I was not connected to the internet on my Ubuntu machine. This meant I had to install manually 58 packages to get Rhythmbox to play mp3s. This wasted so much time that I installed XP on the machine = not good!! Until using Ubuntu is easy, market share cannot be expected to increase.