Comment 42 for bug 1172422

Revision history for this message
QIII (qiii) wrote :

In the hearts of many, I fear, this comes too late, Jono. To many, and to me, it looks like "Oh, uh, yeah. We, uh, planned to put it back. Honest!"

Until I read Alejandra's message, I had pretty much held my tongue. This, however, is further insult to injury. There is not even the slightest hint from Alejandra that she, as the design team representative, felt any sense of contrition or understanding that this went far beyond "recent concerns".

We have an expression in the US about this sort of thing. It's vulgar for the intestinal waste products of male domestic bovines. If you don't mind, I wouldn't be unhappy if you carried that message to Alejandra.

Do you all really take the community for such easily duped imbeciles, Jono? My children would have seen through that before they had reached their 10th birthdays.

This needn't have taken a convocation of Nobel Laureates, Bishops from Rome and Heads of State to solve. This needn't have taken the mutinous uprising of the rabble. This needn't have awaited the eve of the UDS.

That the Community page was not done is a hollow, void and utterly childish excuse. In 35 years of professional life, I have never seen any project fully complete and perfect before roll-out. If things were done that way, nothing would ever happen.

This was not, at its heart, a "design issue". If not an overt slight, then at best a thoughtless oversight that should have been rectified immediately when it was pointed out. It should never have been any kind of "issue". There should never have been "recent concerns."

Someone with some guts and spine just needed to say "Hey, it's just a link. Put it back."

I'm gravely disappointed in a company that produces something called "Ubuntu" and sets community aside only to backpedal and present such nonsense when called out.

Sorry, Jono. Sorry, Alejandra. Sorry, Chris. I don't buy it. What I see is a callous, intentional move that only drew attention when the peasants threatened to revolt.