Comment 36 for bug 1172422

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Jono Bacon (jonobacon) wrote :

@Ben it seems apparent to me that this has stopped being about a bug and started becoming more of an axe to grind.

As we have mentioned multiple times, the blocker for this work is finishing (tracked openly at - a project that has been discussed at multiple UDSs, in which you have been in the sessions, and a project that I have asked Daniel Holbach to drive to completion.

We started the project specifically in response to community feedback that the community pages on did not serve the community well (particularly new community members), and we identified a clear set of work items that needed to be completed to deliver a better experience. With a crisp blueprint defined, we coordinated an open community docs jam, and with a few exceptions, we saw a lot of people sign up to work, and very few folks actually come through and deliver what they agreed to. Everyone agreed on the problem, but relatively few were committed to solving it. As such, I asked Daniel to work to get these folks to contribute their assigned work, and it has been nothing but an uphill struggle to bring this to completion.

I know you are aware of these challenges in bringing the project to completion, as we have discussed this previously, but in the midst of all of your complaints, interestingly, I don't see your name anywhere on that project page. Since this problem was raised I have asked you specifically if you would be happy to contribute to finish, thus solving this problem (and actually making a better set of pages about our community) and being linked from, and so far you have not demonstrated any interest in joining this effort to bring to completion.

I find this saddening as I have seen you invest significant effort in highlighting this problem across social media, your blog, forums, news comments, and this bug. I have also see you extend significant effort in persistently questioning the web team and my team about why "community" was left off in the first place (to which I feel Peter and myself have both provided sufficient answers).

I can't help but think that if you had invested this effort instead in helping us to finish, we would be much further along and would likely have linked on already.

Ubuntu is not a community defined by rallying ill will to solve problems, we are a completely that problem solves together and delivers solutions together. Unfortunately I have really seen here is you stirring the pot to make this more of an issue than it really is, with the seeming goal to force out a solution as a result of this ill well; a solution that is already in progress, a solution *you* can help us to deliver.

Also, I have seen you in many circumstances, typically when complaining about something, say "someone internally in Canonical told me X off the record". I have shared this feedback to you privately before, but this is nothing but stirring the pot; if you have some evidence to suggest that a someone is contradicting themselves, either come out and say it or don't. Simply inferring that someone said something to you serves no purpose other than trying to make yourself look important and somehow clued into some behind-the-scenes plan. We have zero evidence that any of these claims from you are true, in the same way if I said "well, I have heard from a contact at ZYZ that foo is happening" that there would be zero evidence that those claims are true. Either come out and say it, or don't; let's stay focused on facts not gossip.

Ben, as you know, I think you are a great guy, I have a tremendous amount of respect for you, I consider you a friend, and I love the passion and contributions you have made to Ubuntu, but I am getting tired of this somewhat anti-social approach you are using to solve problems. Let's focus on solutions and not stirring and let's work together to get finished and bring it to visibility on; an outcome that we *all* agree on.