Comment 0 for bug 1074129

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Selene ToyKeeper (toykeeper) wrote :

A vendor brought a strange USC behavior to my attention: USC hides reviews for all distros except the one the user is currently running. The reason they don't like this is that it causes their sales to plummet every time Ubuntu has a new release, and then it takes a while for positive reviews to build up again.

I understand that we want to give customers the most relevant data for their purchases, but it seems counter-productive to hide data which may or may not be relevant instead of just tagging it to indicate that it may not apply. In many cases, the quality of a product is unaffected by the platform it's running on, and even more often, a history of good (or bad) reviews is helpful for building confidence that it will continue to be good (or bad) even on a brand new distro.

Instead of hiding the reviews for other platforms, we should probably attach a note of some sort indicating the version of Ubuntu the review was about, the version of the product, and possibly even some data about the hardware the reviewer used. These things could be used as search/filter patterns if the user explicitly searches, but otherwise I think we should show the full review history. I find this approach useful on my Android devices, at least... I can see whether the product is good in general, and then if I want to get more specific, I can search for reviews matching my particular device.