Comment 7 for bug 1015604

Revision history for this message
Michael Nelson (michael.nelson) wrote :

So it turns out QReator does have a populated entry on the reviews api [1], it's just not the only one.

I've pinged WebOps to find out more about the dups with two SQL queries [2], here's my current pre-imp plan to fix the issue on rnr:

   * Add SIInRepository, SIInOrigin to admin (achuni wasn't able to query these as we didn't display them in the admin)
   * Migrate any dup SoftwareItems (and refs).
   * Add unique constraint on SI.package_name.
   * Sort out why media not working on dev server.
   * If time - replace Review.softwareitem and Review.repository with Review.softwareitem_in_repo.
