Comment 0 for bug 1611327

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Tim Peeters (tpeeters) wrote :

Items outside of a ListView are skipped when using keyboard navigation to change the focus. However, a ListItem inside a ListView takes the focus even when it is disabled, but it does not show the focus frame when focused.

For example, execute this QML program:

import QtQuick 2.4
import Ubuntu.Components 1.3

Item {

    ListView {
        anchors.fill: parent
        delegate: ListItem {
            enabled: index != 2
            Label {
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                text: parent.enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"
        model: 5

Press TAB to focus on the ListView. Then press the down-cursor-key twice to move the focus down inside the ListView. The focus will be on the disabled item, but not focus frame is visible This is confusing for the user since the focus seems to disappear, and the Item where the focus seems to be (although invisible) cannot be triggered because it is disabled.