Comment 3 for bug 1567283

Revision history for this message
Dan Chapman  (dpniel) wrote :

Hi all,

The current designs don't show these details by default, but I agree there should be some way to see them.

I've played with a few possible solutions for this yesterday and the difficulty with showing To & Cc by default is the potential to run out of space pretty quickly and could cause the UI to be unusable.

In it's current implementation the message header uses Oxides location bar controller to move up and down when scrolled. Which requires the webview to always be visible for that to work, as the whole view isn't nested in a flickable but instead oxide is controlling the location of the header.

So if for instance a user received a company wide email that was "To" 100+ people, with a load more Cc'd and the reporter's suggestion was being used, then on the bq 4.5 this pushes the header height potentially the height of the screen ( even more so if the attachments panel is visible )Then the view can become un-scrollable due to the webview possibly being off the bottom of the screen. This would also be the case if the header is made expandable but you would still be able to scroll if you collapsed the header first. Additionally the location bar controller seems to only works on touch capable devices, so the header remains static on traditional desktop's and I don't want to eat up alot of space that is better used by the message body.

Alot of phablet clients on Android don't show To,Cc by default and you have to use some kind of "Show details" action to display a popup, dialog or some other widget with all the header details. After a brief discussion with popey yesterday he pointed out gmail shows the "To" field by default, and that a user is probably mostly interested in if the message is something they should immediately care about if in the To list. or not so much if in the Cc list.

What I think we could do is show a single line To field in the header, and if any of the users addresses are in the To list ensure that "Me" or "You" is always clearly visible in the UI and just end the line with ",X more ..." if the list is too long.

+------+ Dan Chapman
| DC | to Bob, you, Phil, ubuntu-phone, ubuntu-desktop, 6 more...
+------+ Show details

With "Show details" being a clickable label that will show a more complete display of the message header in a popup or something where you can interact with each recipient and do things like copy to clipboard, add to addressbook etc....