Comment 7 for bug 1560143

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Kristijan Žic  (kristijan-zic) wrote :

I only agree with you on one thing that is gray color on gray background in indicator panel. I can't agree with anything else. I own Nexus4, Nexus5, Nexus5x, Nexus9... And I hate the android indicator panel on every single one of them. On the other hand I find ubuntu touch indicator panel to be much more usable and advanced. It is the best feature of UT in my opinion. You can easily find and access any indicator with just one swipe and then you press the toggle or whatever. That is 1 action less than on android. I don't know how you counted 5. However, I think that the indicator panel as it is now is still lacking content. Bluetooth indicator should show devices like wifi shows networks and battery could include a graph. Empty indicator and panel like it the case with notification should be hidden until it has something to show.